Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Diagnostic words

AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm

ABCs airway, breathing, circulation

abdominal radiotherapy - treatment of disease in the abdomen by exposure to radiation

ABG arterial blood gas


ABW adjusted body weight

ACLS advanced cardiac life support


adenomatous - pertaining to a nodular hyperplasia of a gland

adenopathy - enlargement of a lymph node

adjuvant - substance added to a drug product formulation that affects the action of the active ingredient in a predictable way.

AE above elbow

AEIOU TIPS a mnemonic for altered mental status check

afferent - Inflowing; conducting toward a center, denoting certain arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves. synonym : esodic

AFO ankle-foot orthosis or othotic


aggregating - crowding or clustering

AKA above-knee amputation

alk phos/alk P-tase - alkaline phosphatase

Allocraft C-ring - cervical spacer used in diskectomy and fusion surgery of the spine

ALS advanced life support

AMA against medical advice

ambo - transporting ambulance

Ambu - ambu bag, manual resuscitative device

amnion - bag of waters; the extraembryonic membrane of birds, reptiles, and mammals, which lines the chorion and contains the fetus and amniotic fluid

amp ampule

anastomosis - natural communication, direct or indirect, between two blood vessels or other tubular structures. communication



antegrade - extending or moving anterialy

Anterior drawer test ankle

anterior toward the front



anteroposterior view (AP) X-ray goes from source anterior to detector posterior

AO X3 alert and oriented X 3

AP - anteroposterior

AP/PA anteroposterior/posteroanterior


appendiceal mucosa

appy - appendectomy

arteriosclerotic - hardened arterial walls.

Aspen cervical collar (brand) - cervical stabilization

assay - any quantitative test

atelectasis - respiratory

atheromatous plaquing - when there is fibrous deposit accumulating on the artery lining.

ATLS advanced trauma life support

atrophy - decrease in tissue bulk or structure from its previous size

atrophy - weakening or degeneration


atypia - not typical


autolysis - postmortem change seen in cellular components

avulsion - forcible tearing or separation

Ba barium

bag/banana bag - bag of IV fluids given to alcoholics or patients with nutritional deficiencies or chemical imbalances; named because of its yellow color, it contains multivitamins, folate, thiamine, and sugar

bagging - artifical respiration performed with a respirator bag, such as an ambu bag


BE barium enema

benign - somethin which is not recurrent or progressive

berylliosis - respiratory

BF black female

bicarb - bicarbonate

bili - bilirubin


biliary tree

bilirubin - bile pigment resulting from degradation of hemoglobin in the liver

Binky test - ability of an infant to evidence basic stability and an interest in "the important things in life" by placidly sucking on a binky

biochemistry - study of chemical properties and substances which interact with the living body

biopsy - removing tissue from a living patient

BKA below-knee amputation

bleed - hemorrhage

BLS basic life support

BM black male/bowel movement

BMI body mass index

BNP Cardiac marker for heart failure.

BPD - biparietal diameter - diameter of fetal head from one parietal eminence to the other.

brace - knee, leg, arm

Brunner glands

BSA body surface area

bulge - disk protruding out against the spinal cord

burn therapy - for patients with severe burns (grafting, whirlpool)

BVM bag-valve-mask

C. diff (Clostridium difficile) Test for bacterial toxin in feces.

C1-7 cervical vertebrae 1-7

CA-125 Ovarian cancer screening to determine treatment.

CABG - coronary artery bypass grafting

cachexia - wasting or atrophy due to starvation


calcitonin - levels greater than 100 pg/mL may occur in medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), leukemia, and myeloproliferative disorders



caliectasis - means of dilation of the calices and is often a result of obstruction or infection. This term can be used interchangeably with calicectasis.

CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

capillaries - smallest blood vessels


cardiomegaly - anbormally enlarged heart


caseating - necrosis in which tissue is changed into a dry mass resembling cheese.

CAT scan computerized axial tomography scan


caudal toward the feet

cavus foot - high arch

CBC (complete blood count) Simply stated, measures red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

C-cane straight cane with curved handle

CCU coronary care unit

cecum - the first part of the large intestine, forming a dilated poouch distal to the ileum and proximal to the colon, giving off the vermiform appendix. cul-de-sac

celiotomy - transabdominal incision into the peritoneal cavity

centigray - unit of absorbed radiation


centrum semiovale


Cerrobend blocking

champagne tap - clear tap; no blood

chem dep - chemical dependency



cholecystectomy - surgical removal of the gallbladder




cholesterol - fatty material normally found in blood but also occurring in certain tissues and diseases

CHOP - anticancer drug combination - cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone

chorioamnionitis - inflammation of the chorion and amnion

chorionic villi - human embryology, the cellular, outermost extraembryonic membrane

CID cervical immobilization device

CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - femal reproductive

cine - prefix - movement, as in cineradiogram

cine - see-nay


cirrhosis - liver disease commonly caused by alcoholism


claudication - limping, lameness

clival lesion - one pertaining to the clivas

clivus - bony surface in the posterior cranial fossa sloping upward from the foramen magnum to the dorsum sellae

CMG cystometrogram

collagen - major protein of white fibers of cartilage, bone, and connective tissues

collimated -

cone biopsy - biopsy that is cone shaped

cone biopsy is also referred to as conization

congenital adrenal hyperplasia - endocrine

contiguous - touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence

contrast - difference in visual density in an x-ray that results from a difference in radiolucency of the subject


cortical - relating to an external layer

cortical blindness

cortical sulci

Costoclavicular maneuver - evaluate thoracic outlet syndrome/costoclavicular syndrome

cotyledons - any portion of the uterine surface of the placenta

CPM continuous passive motion

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

cranial - toward the head

crepitus - crepitation, crepitance - a crackling or grating noise from the joints, skin, or lungs.

CREST - calcinosis cutis, Taynaud phenomenon, esophageal motility disorder, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia syndrome.

cribriform - pierced with holes, like a sieve


crit - hematocrit

CT computed tomography

CT Scan - cross-sectional images along a single axis of the body or body structure created by a computer from multiple x-ray images.

curettage - surgical scraping

CVA cerebrovascular accident

cystoid macular edema - swelling of macula of eye resulting from injury, surgery, or disease



D5 or D5W dextrose in a 5% normal saline solution

de Quervain disease - wrist


degeneration - broad term in pathology referring to changes in tissue chemistry

dense - quality of being compact


desmoplasia - formation and development of fibrous tissue

desquamation - the shedding of the cuticle in scales or of the outer layer of any surface

DF dorsiflexion

DHL - diffuse histiocytic lymphoma

diabetic retinopathy - affecting patients with diabetes

diagnostic test - for disease clarification

DICOM digital image communication in medicine (meaning transmission between imaging devices)

differential Summary of various types of white cells in a stained smear of blood.

disease atrophy - results from prolonged immobilization or lack of movement.

DISH - diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

distal toward the fingers/toes

distortion - state of being out of normal shape or position

diverticula - small bulging sacs pushing outward from the colon wall

diverticulitis - inflammation of a diverticulum

diverticulum - a circumscribed pouch or sac occurring normally or created by herniation of the lining mucous membrane through a defect in the muscular coat of a tubular organ

DJD degenerative joint disease

DNI do not intubate

DNR do not resuscitate

DOA dead on arrival

Domeboro - astringent wet dressing for relief of inflammatory conditions of the skin; ruduce weeping that may occur in dermatitis


duodenal bulb

dysphagia - trouble with eating or swallowing

dysplastic - cells or tissue that have undergone abnormal development

dystrophic calcification - calcium deposits in inflamed tissue, fibrotic or degenerative tissue

ECC emergency cardiac care

echo - prefix - repeated sound, as in echocardiogram

echo - slang for echocariogram.



edema - excessive accumulation of fluid in tissue

EEC - endocervical curettings

EEG electroencephalogram

efferent - conducting fluid or a nerve impulse outward from a given organ, cell, or part thereof, the efferent connections of a group of nerve cells, efferent blood vessels, or excretory duct of an organ

effusion - escape of a fluid into a part; exudation or transudation. Effused materioal; and exudate or transudate

electrolyte Minerals of the body which have an electrical charge and are found in blood, urine.

ellipse - oval or oblong shape

emergency room or department - an area in a hospital or clinic that is staffed and equipped to provide emergency care to persons requiring immediate medical treatment.


EMS emergency medical service

EMT emergency medical technician


Endo-MATE endotracheal tube holder - ENT device


endoscopy - examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum using a flexible tube with scope

enterocleisis - blockage in the alimentary canal

enteroclysis - radiographic procedure

eos - osinophils


eosinophilic granuloma - disease marked by formation of granulomas in the bone

epi - epinephrine

epi sick - pale, green, nauseous, chest-pounding, tachycardic appearance of patient who has received aggressive subcutaneious epinephrine therapy for anaphylaxis or status asthmaticus

epicondylitis - tennis elbow/swimmer's elbow

epis - epithelial cells


epithelium - cellular covering of skin and covers the internal organs

ER external rotation

ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

erythrocyte sedimentation

erythropoiesis - formation of erythrocytes


ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, sed rate) Blood test to determine inflammation in the body.

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

ETA estimated time of arrival


excisional biopsy - removal of entire tumor, lesion, or affected diseased organ from a living patient

exocervical - external to the cervix

exploratory laparotomy - surgery performed to examine and/or visualize the abdomen.

extension - patient lengthens or straightens a flexed limb.

External rotation test - ankle

extrarenal pelvis - portion of the renal pelvis expansion located outside of the kidney

FACEP Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians

false negative - normal or negative result despite disease presence in a person

falso positive - abnormal or positive result in an otherwise healthy person

fatty infiltration - fat content increases in connective tissue areas of various organs

FDIU fetal death in utero

FHT fetal heart tone


fibroadipose - fibrous and fatty


fistula - digestive

fistulous - of or pertaining to an abnormal passage from one epithelial surface to another epithelial surface.

flexion - patient bending a specific part of the body

fluor/o root word - luminous, as in fluoroscopic

fluoro - slang or short for fluoroscopy

FNA - fine needle aspiration - removing cells via suction from a mass

follicle - a spherical mass of cells

FOOSH fall onto outstretched hand


formalin - 10% solution of formaldehyde in water and is used to preserve specimens for analysis


four H's - hypoxemia, hypoglycemia, hypovolemia, and high bladder

French Horn shoulder test shoulder

frontal (coronal) - vertical plane divides the body into anterior and posterior. PA view of chest x-ray uses the frontal plane.


frozen section - rapid freezing of water in tissue and embedding with parffin or other artificial medium

FWW front-wheel walker

Galeazzi sign - hip disorder evaluation



gangrene - local and extensive necrosis usually affecting an extremity







GCS Glasgow coma scale


GGT Test to screen for liver disease, alcohol abuse. .

GI gastrointestinal (usually upper GI—the area examined)

gorked - obtunded or not alert, either acutely or chronically

gout - metabolic disease of uric acid crystals in tissues

grab bars - for bathroom safety

gram - suffix - record, as in cardiogram


granuloma - tumor caused by infection or inflammation

graphy - suffix - process of recording, as in ultrasonography

GSW gunshot wound

H&E - sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin


Heberden nodes - bony swelling around joint margins


hematocrit The proportion of blood that consists of red blood cells.

hematology - study of blood

heme negative - no blood detected on rectal exam

hemiplegia - paralysis on one side of the body

hemithorax - one side of the chest

hemiwalker - quad cane/ walker combo

hemoglobin The protein in red cells that carries oxygen.


HF Hispanic female

HIDA hydroxyiminodiacetic acid


hilar - pertaining to a hilum

hilum - part of an organ where the nerves and vessels enter and leave


HM Hispanic male

HOB head of bed

HOD - heroin overdose

Hodgkin disease - lymph

Hoyer lift - assistance in lifting bed/chair ridden patients

hydatidiform mole - female reproductive

hydrocele - male reproductive

hydrocephalus - large brain


hyperchromatism - abnormal increase in pigmentation

hypernephroma - excretory

hyperplastic -abnormal increase in the number of normal cells or tissue which increases its volume


hypo - below normal

hypo - hypodermic injection

hypoplasia - underdeveloped

hypoplastic - underdeveloped

hypotonia - muscular tonicity loss

IABP intraaortic balloon pump

IBW ideal body weight

ileus - digestive

iliac - of or relating to the hipbone

IM intramuscular

immobilizer - knee

inapsine - trademark preparation of droperidol, an antiemetic (among other things).

incisional biopsy - surgical removal of a part or section of a tumor, diseased organ, or lesion


infarction - necrosis that is localized and due to an obstruction

inferior below

infiltration - passing into or through by permeating


interventional radiology - the use of image guidance for therapeutic and angiographic procedures

intimal - an abnormal narrowing of a passageway



intraductal papilloma - breast



inversion - patient turning inward

IO intraosseous

is/o root word - same, as in radioisotope



ITB iliotibial band

IV intravenous

IVDA intravenous drug abuser

IVP intravenous push

IVP intravenous pyelogram

jaundice - yellow or greenish color in tissue as a result of liver disease

Jobst boot (brand) foot

JONES a mnemonic for assessment of rheumatic fever

KAFO knee-ankle-foot orthosis

keloid - skin


keratin - fibrous scleroprotein occurring in the outer layer of skin, hair, nails, etc.

koilocytotic /koilocyte/ koilocytosis - concave or hollow cell. the presence of ambnormal koilocytes that a vacuolated with clear cytoplasm or perinuclear halos and nuclear pyknosis

KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder

kyphosis - humpback

L1-5 lumbar vertebrae 1-5

lac - laceration

Lachman test - anterior cruciate ligament rupture (ACL)



lap coly - laparoscopic cholecystectomy

lateral decubitus - Patient lying down on side, x-ray beam positioned horizontally

lateral toward/from the side

left lateral view - X-ray goes from a source located to right of patient to a detector located to the left of the patient.

lesion - a pathologic change in the tissue


leuks - leukocytes

lido - lidocaine

ligamentum flavum hypertrophy

light microscopy - brings out features otherwise not seen in specimens


LMA laryngeal mask airway

LOC loss of consciousness

localization - the placement of something is determined during...

longitudinal plane - cuts along the long (longitudinal) axis of the body.

LR lactated Ringer

LS lumbosacral (films)

lucency - something that has a softly bright appearance or is marked by clarity or transparency.

lucent - suffix - to shine, as in translucent

LWBS left without being seen

lymph nodes

lymphangitic - pertaining to inflammation of a lymphatic vessel

lytes - electrolytes

M&M morbidity and mortality

macule - skin

mag - magnesium



mammography - radiography of the breast



MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) Measurement of average amount of hemoglobin inside a red blood cell.

MCV (mean corpuscular volume) Measurement of average size of RBCs.

medial toward the middle

medullary - cancer of the medulla of a body part

medullary carcinoma



MEN - multiple endocrine neoplasia - conditions that result in overactivity and enlargement in certain endocrine glands. MEN syndromes are typically inherited conditions


metastatic - when a disease spreads to another part of the body or another organ


mets - short or slang for metastases

microbiology - study of microscopic living things, such as fungi and bacteria


microhematuria - small or microscopic presence of blood or red blood cells in the urine

midcoronal (midaxillary) plane - longitudinal plane which cuts through the head and body along the coronal suture of the head and extended cut down through the body.

midline shift - a displacement of the midline of the brain to one side of the head due to swelling

midsagittal (median) - right and left halves. Lateral chest x-ray uses the sagittal plane.


mitotic - pertaining to mitosis, cell division

MMT manual muscle test

moldable insert - lumbosacral

monos - monocytes

MPDO - microscopic performed, description omitted

MPGR - multiplanar gradient recall

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

MTC - medullary thyroid carcinoma


MUGA multiple gated acquisition


MVA motor vehicle accident




myoclonic - shocklike contractions of a muscle or a group of muscles


necrosis - physical and chemical changes of tissue, cells, or organs which is seen in death

needle biopsy - removing inner core of tissue, such as liver and kidney.


neuts - neutrophils

NG nasogastric (tube)

nitro paste - Nitrol, nitroglycerin paste


nodularity - increased density of breast tissue


NS normal saline

NSR normal sinus rhythm

nuclear medicine - the use of radioactive materials to identify or destroy lesions and disease processes.

nucleus - structure that houses the chromosomes

NWB nonweightbearing

O & P orthotics and prosthetics

oblique view - X-rays will travel in a slanted direction at an angle stemming from the perpendicular plane. Regions normally hidden in PA or AP view will appear in oblique views.

occipitofrontal diameter


OCG oral cholecystogram

OD overdose

omentectomy - partial or total excision of the omentum


opaque - suffix - obscure, as in radiopaque

OPQRST a mnemonic for pain evaluation

ossicle - small bone

ossification - pathologic calcification as well as bone tissue formation

osteoarthritis - may require hip replacement (arthroplasty)


osteochondroma - skeletal

osteopenic - bone deficiency

osteophyte - a bony abnormal outgrowth


ovoid - rounded like an egg

PA posteroanterior

PACS picture archival and communications system


palliative - recuding severity of disease without curing it

palmar toward the palm of the hand

PALS pediatric advanced life support


panel - tests frequently performed as a group

Pap smear - Cells are detached from a surface (primarily the uterine cervix).

papule - skin


parakeratosis - pathology seen in psoriasis

parakeratosis - persistence of the nuclei of keratinocytes as they rise into the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It in normal in the true mucous membrane of the mouth and vagina.

parenchymal - pertaining to the essential elements of an organ


peptic ulcer - digestive

perfed appy - ruptured appendix



perihilar - around the hilum

periosteal - situated around bone

peripheral toward the surface


PET positron emission tomography

Phalen maneuver - carpel tunnel syndrome evaluation

Phalen test

phleboliths - calcification or stone within a vein.

physiatrist - person who practices physical medicine and rehabilitation

PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter



plane - two dimensional flat surface

plantar fasciitis - foot

plantar toward the sole of the foot


plasia - development or formation

platelet count Test to determine how many platelets (to clot blood) in the blood.


pleomorphic/ pleomorphism/ pleomorphous - the occurrence of various distinct forms by a single organism or within a species (having various distinct forms)

PM&R / Physical medicine and rehabilitation - branch of medicine that covers the ongoing treatment for physical problems, such as severely broken bones, torn ligaments, knee and hip replacements, rehab for spinal injuries, postsurgical rehab, and similar conditions.


pneumothorax - abnormal presence of air in the chest outside the lung

polycystic kidney - excretory

polyp - a mass of tissue or vascular growth


post pregnancy scarring - pelvic floor rehab is used for this, including kegel exercises

postauricular - situated to the back of the ear

posterior toward the back

posterior-anterior (PA) - most common chest x-ray view. X-ray goes from source posterior to detector anterior.

posteroanterior - direction from posterior to anterior

PQRST a mnemonic to quickly evaluate chest pain

Probe-to-bone test - evaluate osteomyelitis/diabetic foot ulcers

PROM passive range of motion

prone - Patient lying on the stomach, face down

proximal - situated nearest the point of origin

proximal toward the limb's attachment

pseudostratified - closely packed cells that are all attached to the basement membrane, but that appear to be layered.

punch biopsy - removal of a plug of skin or mucous membrane with a device called a "punch."


putrefaction - also called decay (of the body after death)

PUW pick-up walker

QC quad cane

QNS - quantity not sufficient

quadrant - one quarter of a circle

Quadriceps femoris muscle angle knee

quant beta/Q-beta - quantitative beta HCG

radiation therapy - the use of radiation for treatment of disease

reagent - chemical substance which is made to react with another substance (such as on a urine dipstick).

recumbent - patient lying down, either prone or supine

recurrence - a return of symptoms or relapse

reflux - abnormally backward flow of body fluids

renal pelvis - expansion of the upper end of the ureter.

reproducibility - ability of a test to yield the same result time and again

resorption - the assimilation of substances previously produced by the body back into the body.

rete ridges - downward thickening of the epidermis between the dermal papillae

RF (rheumatoid factor) To assess for rheumatoid arthritis.

rickets - osteomalacia in children

rickets - skeletal

roentgen/o - root word - x-ray, as in roentgenology

RRR regular rate and rhythm

rule of 9's - for assessing percentage of body surface burned


sagittal (lateral) - Unequal right and left sides.

salpingo-oophorectomy - removal of the ovary and its uterine tube

satting/sat - oxygen saturation

SBQC small base quad cane

scar - injured tissue that has healed and has a fibrous cover

scint/i root word - spark, as in scintigraphy

screening test - used to identify disease or problems before further harm

SD shoulder disarticulation

senile atrophy - irreversible chemical changes due to agin


serum/urine ozm(s) - serum/ urine osmolality, osmolalities (lab)

shave biopsy - removal of a thin skin layer with a blade

SLR straight-leg raise

son/o root word - sound, as in sonogram

specificity - refers to a test's ability to reflect a specific abnormality

SPECT - single-photon emission computed tomography

spermatocele - epididymal cyst


Spica splint thumb

spiculations - small needle-shaped body

squamous - scaly or platelike

staphyloma - special senses (eye)


stenosis - an abnormal narrowing of a passageway

stepdown unit - a monitored setting, not as intense as any type of ICU


Straight leg raise lumbar spine

stroma - the matrix or supporting tissue of an organ

Stryker (brand) hip, knee, shoulder implants

subarachnoid - layer of tissue between the pia mater and the arachnoid


sulcus - anatomic nomenclature for a long groove or furrow, especially one of the cerebral sulci

superimposed - placed on or over something

superior above

supine - patient lying on the back, face up

suppurative - pyogenesis

sux/sucks - succinylcholine

SVC - superior vena cava

SVCS - group of symptoms occurring when the superior vena cava becomes clogged or partially blocked.

sweat chloride test To screen for cystic fibrosis.

sweat glands

syncytial - of or pertaining to syncytium - multinucleate mass of protoplasm produced by the merging of cells

syringomyelia - nervous


T1-12 thoracic spine 1-12

Talar tilt (inversion stress test) - for lateral ankle sprains

Tee-3/TN-3/Ty-3 - Tylenol No. 3

Teflon - non-stick surface

tenosynovitis - overuse of tendons from trauma, overuse

tetralogy of Fallot - congenital heart defect


thoracic - of or relating to the chest


thrombocytopenia - abnormally low number of platelets in the blood


Tinel - tingling or pins and needles

Tinel sign wrist

TKA total knee arthroplasty

TMJ (temporomandibular joint - jaw/head

tom/o root word - to cut, as in tomography

tonsillar crypts - clefts or cave-like recessions in the tonsils

TORCH panel Screening for birth defects in infants and other ailments in adults.

tox - toxicology

traked - endotracheally intubated

transpyloric plane - transverse plane so named because it should cross over the pylorus of the stomach.

transverse (horizontal) - upper (superior) and lower (inferior) portions. CT scan uses the transverse plane

Trendelenburg symptom - hip evaluation (not to be confused with trendelenburg anatomic position)

triage - a medical screening of the nature and severity of illness to determine relative priority for treatment.

triage care - making an assessment of the patient's immediate need, stabilizing the "emergency," and then (when necessary) referring the patient to an appropriate setting for ongoing and/or followup care.

triple A - abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA

TTP trauma transport protocol

TTWB - toe touch weighbearing

tweak score - scale for assessing alcoholism dependence

UGI upper gastrointestinal (series)


ultra - prefix - beyond, as in ultrasonogram

umbilical cord

UPJ - ureteropelvic junction

uric acid - found in gout tissues and other metabolic disorders

urinology - microscopic and chemical examination or urinary specimens


US or U/S ultrasound

vacuolated - containing vacuoles

vacuoles - any membrane-bound space or cavity within a cell


VCUG voiding cystourethrogram

Vehicle lifts - assisting patients in wheelchairs

ventriculomegaly - abnormally large ventricle of the brain /

vermiform appendix


vertebral basilar TIAs


villi - plural of villus - a small vascular process or protrusion, especially from the free surface of a membrane


vitamin H - ER short form for Haldol

vitr/o - root word - glass, as in in vitro

viv/o root word - life, as in in vivo

voiding - discharging waste matter, usually referencing urination

Waddell test lumbar spine

washing - using saline or other fluid to collect cells (from, for example, the stomach).

WD withdrawal

WF white female

WM white male

WNL - within normal limits

WNL within normal limits

WNL within normal limits

WNR within normal range

WO weeks old

WOB work of breathing

wound VAC - vacuum-assisted closure for wounds

WX wound of exit

XKO not knocked out

XRT radiation therapy


Y/N yes/no

Yergason test shoulder

YO years old

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