I'm so tired. Exhaustion is stalking me today.
It's just been one of those long, long weeks. Wait, it's barely into Wednesday. Hmm. Insomnia does it every time. Short bouts of insomnia can be a blessing in disguise. You sleep for a couple of hours and then you're ready to rock and roll. That's what it's been like for me that last few days. Three to five hours of sleep and I've got all the energy in the world! Yes, totally an illusion. But, if it makes me happy for a few hours, I'll take it. I get a lot of things accomplished while the rest of the household is in dreamland. Well, the kids anyway; mom sleeps less that I do.
The last week or so has felt like a marathon. Minimal sleep and very long days taking care of everything that needs to be done. Mom really wants to help me with the housework and such, but right now is fighting with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, COPD, congestive heart failure, renal insufficiency, Sjogren syndrome, and a multitude of other ailments that cold weather make so much worse. As you can see, there's a reason she moved in with me. Unfortunately, she's a proud woman and her bouts of depression because she CAN'T help just makes it that much harder for me to do what needs to be done. I have to try and wait until she is asleep to do dishes, laundry, or just about any other household chore. If I don't, she tries to do them. Imagine standing at the sink doing dishes and your heavyset mother comes to help. Sweat pouring down her face, wheezing, and struggling for breath and unable to move more than a couple of inches without turning purple. Holidays just bring out the stubborn, independent attitude all the more. How do you tell someone with so many health issues that you're worried they're going to stroke out or have a heart attack from being pigheaded? Believe me, I've tried several times.
Crud, now I've made myself unhappy. Should I leave that last paragraph in? ....... Yeah, I guess I am.
Sometimes I feel like I'll never figure out how to organize my day enough and get enough sleep to be able to get everything done. Between trying to keep my kids in line, playing push-me-pull-you with mom, working on the Career Step course, and just trying to have some time to enjoy the few things I allow myself; I'm surprised I sleep at all!
I guess when you lay everything you do during a day out in front of you, and I mean everything; the good, the bad, the chores, the arguments, the parenting, the animal training, the time wasters, and the time savers; it all comes down to one thing. Are you doing what needs to be done? For the most part I can say yes.
It would be nice if I could add sleep without being exhausted first to the list. But, you know what? For my part, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd love for my kids and pets to be well-mannered and well-behaved. I'd love for my mom to be a healthy 60-year-old woman. I'd love to have someone come in a clean my toilets. None of that makes a difference to what I see as my role. I guess I'm the caretaker.
You know those old black-and-white episodes of the Addams Family? Now I know why Lurch looked like death warmed over. He was exhausted from taking care of that crazy, lovable family!
I think you're missing something that a lot of people in your circumstances miss.
ReplyDeleteSomething VERY important, and something many people forget after they've become parents, independent, and all-together just a stressed adult of America.
Notice that what you're missing is something common in adults?
What do kids do? What do your kids do?
With all the things that need to be done, that get done, part of the priority list is missing.
You're not doing the one thing that can keep you sane, and healthy. And I'm not talking about doctor visits, teas, or any of that mumbo jumbo.
You're missing the things that you enjoy doing.
I understand that you might enjoy talking to Grandma, and giggling with her about the dogs.
I understand that you enjoy keeping tabs on how far you've come with your transcriptioning..
But what about the days when you had hobbies, hm?
What you're missing are things that you SET ASIDE time to do.
I know I'm just your kid, and even though you know I'm not a box of rocks, the probability of YOU taking my advice, are similar to the probability of you buying me a gerbil.
Look it up, Mom. Leisurely activities are just as much something that NEEDS to do be done.
Not just for your sake, but for those around you :P
Good advice little one! My daughter, the smart one. No, not just a smartass!